Criminal Law & Procedures

  1. 1. disprove, justify, or excuse the alleged crime.
  2. 8. Offenses committed in the business world typically are referred to as white-collar crimes
  3. 9. law and imposed by a court
  4. 10. for one year or less, by a fine of $1,000 or less, or both.
  5. 11. A punishable offense against society
  6. 15. is the use of the force that appears to be reasonably necessary to the victim to pre-
  7. 18. Are based on problems with
  8. 19. death, serious bodily harm, rape, or kidnapping.
  1. 2. freedom from prosecution even
  2. 3. way evidence is obtained or the way an accused person is arrested, questioned, tried, or punished.
  3. 4. a crime punishable by confinement for more than a year in a state prison or by a fine of more than $1,000, or both—or even death.
  4. 5. one has committed the crime charged.
  5. 6. a less serious crime in exchange for having a
  6. 7. a reasonable ground for belief
  7. 11. is action that hinders the administration of justice.
  8. 12. a less serious crime. It usually is punishable by confinement in a county or city
  9. 13. serious charge dropped
  10. 14. An accused person may agree to plead guilty
  11. 16. Any penalty provided
  12. 17. a legal position taken by an accused to defeat the charges against him or her.