Criminal Law Terms

  1. 2. Two or more people planning to commit a criminal act but not managing to go through with it, taking an overt act in the process
  2. 4. A person who knowingly aids the principal in committing a crime but is not present for it and is charged the same as the principal
  3. 6. An act open to view that indicates a conspiracy, such as buying a ski mask after planning a heist
  4. 7. A more serious crime in which imprisonment lasts more than one year
  5. 9. The person who directly commits a crime and is charged with the crime
  6. 10. A person who helps a criminal evade capture after the crime has been committed and may be charged with harbouring a fugitive,obsruction of justice, or aiding the escape
  1. 1. A less serious crime in which imprisonment lasts less than one year
  2. 3. A crime committed by failing to perform an act required by law,can include tax evasion or a hit & run
  3. 5. A crime that occurs when one manages to fufill all elements of a crime or takes a substantial step toward committing it but does not achieve the desired result
  4. 8. The person(s) who aid the principal in committing a crime and are charged the same as the principal