Criminal Law Terms Review

  1. 2. Agreement given freely and voluntarily
  2. 3. Accidental homicide
  3. 5. Not Criminally Responsible
  4. 8. Homicide as a result of an act of passion
  5. 12. Murder as a result of another action, for example drunk driving
  6. 13. Factors that demonstrate the punishment should be less severe
  7. 14. That which discourages people in society from committing a particular crime
  8. 16. To help an offender successfully reintegrate back into society
  9. 18. A statement made by the victim that describes the effect of the offense on his or her life
  10. 22. A firearm that a person is not allowed to possess
  11. 23. Sexual activity in exchange for money
  12. 27. Theft involving violence or threats of violence
  13. 28. A punishment that allows the offender to live in the community under conditions and supervision
  14. 33. The illegal, forced removal of a child from the custodial parents
  15. 34. A defense that the accused was not at the scene of the crime when it took place
  16. 36. Factors that demonstrate the punishment should be more severe
  17. 37. The pursuit or repeated communication with an unwilling victim
  18. 40. The act of counselling, aiding or abetting someone to commit suicide
  19. 41. A fireman that needs to be registered
  20. 43. Blamable or criminal homicide
  1. 1. The legal right to a property
  2. 4. Any rifle or shotgun that is neither restricted or prohibited
  3. 6. A deal between the Crown and defense to plead a lesser crime or sentence
  4. 7. Entering someone's premises without permission by breaking a door, window, etc.
  5. 9. When the burden of proof is placed on the defense rather than the Crown
  6. 10. An order by a judge to arrest the accused for listed alleged offences
  7. 11. Facts that would cause an average person to believe beyond a mere suspicion
  8. 15. Communicating for the purposes of prostitution
  9. 17. A psychological condition caused by severe domestic violence
  10. 19. Taking someone's property without their permission
  11. 20. Assault causing life threatening injury, disfigurement, etc.
  12. 21. Detainment by a civilian until the police arrive
  13. 24. Homicide with intent
  14. 25. A penalty for two or more crimes served one after another
  15. 26. The defense of temporary insanity
  16. 29. A minimum punishment imposed by law
  17. 30. The application or threat of force without the other persons consent
  18. 31. A court order authorizing police to search a specific place at a specific time
  19. 32. A penalty for two or more crimes served at the same time
  20. 35. Threat or coercion to force someone to commit a crime against their will
  21. 38. Intentionally starting fires causing damage
  22. 39. To sell, administer, give, transfer, transport, send, or deliver a controlled substance
  23. 42. Intentional deceit