Criminal Law Terms Reviwq

  1. 6. Communicating for the purposes of prostitution
  2. 7. In Criminal Law, actual imprisonment of physical detention
  3. 8. The pursuit or repeated communication with an unwilling victim
  4. 10. The legal right to a property
  5. 11. Intentionally causing damage to property by fire
  6. 15. To sell, administer, give, transfer, transport, send, or deliver a controlled substance
  7. 18. Facts that would cause an average person to believe beyond a mere suspicion
  8. 22. Entering someones premises without permission with intent to commit an indictable offence
  9. 23. Type of murder with intent
  10. 24. A deal between the Crown and the defense for a guilty plea to a lesser charge and penalty
  11. 25. Intentional homicide
  12. 27. Blamable or criminal homicide
  13. 28. Words, images, or actions that are offensive to public morality
  14. 32. The act of councelling, aiding, or abetting someone to commit suicide
  15. 33. The application or threat of force without the other person's consent
  16. 34. Legal services paid for by taxpayers, available to persons unable to afford a lawyer
  1. 1. Culpable homicide that is not murder or infanticide
  2. 2. Taking someone's property without his or her consent
  3. 3. The starting document for a less serious offense, the basis of all charges
  4. 4. Anything that is used to determine the truth in a court of law
  5. 5. To detain a person legally and to charge him or her with a criminal offense
  6. 6. A court order authorizing police to search a specific place at a specified time
  7. 7. Detainment by a civilian of a person believed to have committed a crime
  8. 9. Homicide for which a person will not be held criminally responsible, an accident
  9. 12. Type of murder without intent
  10. 13. Theft involving violence or threats of violence
  11. 14. A firearm that a person is not allowed to possess
  12. 16. When the burden of proof is placed on the defense rather than the Crown
  13. 17. A firearm that needs to be registered
  14. 19. A legal document stating the criminal charge and the court date
  15. 20. Any rifle or shotgun that is neither restricted nor prohibited
  16. 21. The illegal, forced removal of a child from the custodial parent
  17. 26. The killing of another person, directly or indirectly
  18. 29. Agreement given freely and voluntarily
  19. 30. An order by a judge to arrest the accused
  20. 31. Intentional deceit in order to cause a loss of property