Criminal Law Unit 1 Test Review

  1. 6. The only time a defendant may file an appeal is if there was an _____ __ _____
  2. 7. type of law that focuses on disputes
  3. 8. when laws are created by courts they are known as ______
  4. 10. The burden of proof in a criminal case is beyond a reasonable _______
  5. 12. the burden of proof in a criminal case is rests on who?
  6. 15. Government Agencies create what is know as __________ law.
  7. 17. the burden of proof in a civil case is rests on who?
  1. 1. This type of court hears existing evidence only, and decides if the case should be remanded/overturned/upheld
  2. 2. One of the basis for laws that focuses on right vs wrong
  3. 3. One of the basis for laws that focuses on issues that are important to society (societies values).
  4. 4. One of the three ways laws can be made, this type focuses on laws beginning as "bills."
  5. 5. when a law is created by the courts it sets __________ for all courts of lower levels to now abide.
  6. 9. One of the three ways laws can be made, this type focuses on laws being created through specific cases
  7. 11. The burden of proof in a civil case is by a __________ of evidence.
  8. 13. - part of the legislative branch, ________ is made up of both the house of representatives and the senate
  9. 14. type of law focuses on acts that are harmful to society
  10. 16. This type of court hears new evidence and testimony and renders a guilty/not guilty verdict.