Criminal Law Unit 2 Review

  1. 3. A(n) _________ hearing is the equivalent of Sentencing for a juvenile case.
  2. 6. _______ offenders are juveniles who have become uncontrollable. Skipping school and disobeying parents are common issues.
  3. 7. A(n) ________ hearing is the equivalent of a Grand Jury for a juvenile case.
  4. 11. This person is responsible for questions of law in a trial. They oversee the trial to make sure it is conducted properly according to law
  5. 12. This division of Superior Court handles criminal cases of the 4th degree or higher, in addition to civil cases where the amount is of the suit is over 15k
  6. 13. This court handles appeals made at both the Law and Chancery Division
  7. 14. This type of Jury determines if there is enough evidence to go to trial or not
  8. 15. When a Grand Jury decides if there is not enough evidence to indict, they declare __ ____.
  9. 17. Someone under the age of 21 is considered a ________.
  10. 18. This type of Jury is the trial jury. The decide the outcome of the case by rendering a guilty/not guilty vote.
  11. 19. This court handles minor misdemeanor offenses like petty theft and shoplifting. In addition to traffic and ordinance violations.
  1. 1. This type of dispute resolution deals with 2 parties who try to work out their issue on their own. Decision is not binding unless contract is signed.
  2. 2. The __ ________ Court handles federal criminal cases.
  3. 4. This type of dispute resolution deals with 2 parties who involve a 3rd neutral party who is a judge. The neutral party hears both sides and makes a recommendation that is impartial. The decision is legally binding.
  4. 5. This division of Superior Court handles Juvenile and family related cases like custody disputes.
  5. 8. A(n) __________ hearing is the equivalent of a Trial Jury for a juvenile case.
  6. 9. _________ offenders is a term for acts committed by a Juvenile that would be seen as criminal if committed by an adult
  7. 10. This person is responsible for questions of fact in a trial. They hear the evidence and decide whether the defendant is guilty or not
  8. 16. This type of dispute resolution deals with 2 parties who involve a 3rd neutral party. The neutral party hears both sides and makes a recommendation that is impartial. The decision is not legally binding unless a contract is signed.