Criminal law vocabulary

  1. 3. charge (the holder of a public office) with misconduct
  2. 4. revoke or annul (a judgment, sentence, or decree made by a lower court or authority).
  3. 6. unable to be controverted or argued against, usually used in the context of presumptions. If a presumption is irrebuttable, it is in effect a mandatory rule of law
  4. 7. accept or confirm the validity of (a judgment or agreement); ratify.
  5. 8. place (a defendant) on bail or in custody, especially when a trial is adjourne
  6. 9. any of various legislative or governing bodies, in particular.
  1. 1. a judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which the person has been charged
  2. 2. of a legislative body) having two branches or chambers.
  3. 5. an attitude adopted in law or as a matter of policy toward an action or proposal in the absence of acceptable reasons to the contrary
  4. 6. a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning