Criminal Procedure in Belarus

  1. 3. a person who is believed to have committed a crime but has not yet been put on trial
  2. 6. act of telling false testimony in court
  3. 8. a written statement that someone makes after promising officially to tell the truth
  4. 9. a formal statement of accusing someone
  5. 13. proceeding which takes place from the date of receipt of the complaint to determine the need for further court involvement
  6. 14. a formal request addressed to the criminal authority
  7. 17. anything obtained in a legal way to establish the occurrence of the crime, circumstances relevant to the proper resolution of a criminal case
  1. 1. decision by the judge that the defendant is not guilty of a crime
  2. 2. a formal statement of opposition to an aspect of a judicial or other legal proceeding
  3. 4. postponement of a sentence
  4. 5. the imposition of a criminal sanction by a judicial authority
  5. 7. a deposit of money, property, or bond with the court in order to ensure the appearance of the suspect at the call of the criminal prosecution body and the court
  6. 10. a written notification that one is required to appear in court
  7. 11. document certifying the fact of production, content and results of procedural actions
  8. 12. a person harmed by a crime
  9. 15. a request made to a court of law or to someone in authority to change a verdict
  10. 16. the act of taking possession of property or assets which was obtained illegally