Criminal stuff

  1. 2. Money or some other benefit given to a person in power, especially a public official, in an effort to cause the person to take a particular action.
  2. 3. The killing of another person without justification or excuse
  3. 4. The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals.
  4. 7. Willful or malicious damage or destruction of the property of another.
  1. 1. A person who seizes control over an airplane or bus by force
  2. 2. The act of entering another's premises without authorization in order to commit a crime, such as theft
  3. 5. Secretly bringing an item into a country without declaring it to customs officials or bringing prohibited items
  4. 6. A deception practiced in order to induce another to give up possession of property or surrender a right.