Crisis De-escalation

  1. 3. an individual is actively suicidal and engages in life threatening or criminal behavior directed at police to elicit use of lethal force
  2. 6. Non-verbal communication
  3. 8. Willingness to engage and participate in activities
  4. 11. can potentially be improved with clinical intervention
  5. 12. Any situation in which a person’s perceived ability to cope is exceeded
  6. 14. Individual plans attacks ahead of time
  7. 18. Person is cooperative
  8. 19. Unwillingness to go to jail, person may be on parole or probation
  9. 20. A set of techniques and interventions that can help a person in crisis regain control over emotional reactions as well as reduce violent or disruptive behavior
  1. 1. Touch
  2. 2. Person experiences a conflict and starts to escalate
  3. 4. Extremes in behaviors due to mental illness or substance abuse
  4. 5. Person focuses on the conflict
  5. 7. Extremes in behaviors due to an underlying medicalcondition. Severe pain can also cause a person to escalate intoa crisis state.
  6. 9. Person is out of control and exhibits severe behaviors
  7. 10. Suicide attempt that appears ambivalent but was not a tactic to elicit police response.
  8. 13. cannot be changed with clinical intervention
  9. 15. Personal space
  10. 16. Person is unfocused and upset
  11. 17. Can be social, physical, psychological or environmental