  1. 2. The ____ RNA is the sequence of the nucleotide of the gene of interest.
  2. 5. HNH-like and ___ -like are the component in cas9 enzyme that act as the “siccors” in gene editing.
  3. 6. 5' GCAATTGGCA 3' with the complementary 3' ACGGTTAACG 5' is an example of ______ in DNA sequence.
  4. 7. Type 2 of CRIPSR system consist of a single DNA endonuclease called __-9.
  5. 10. CRISPR/Cas 9 could be used to prevent a baby from having HIV by knocking the CCR5 gene in ____ before its cells divided.
  6. 13. __, cas9 protein, and host RNA are the 3 important parts that will be need in genome editing by using crisprcas system.
  7. 14. What organ stem cells is used in CRISPR/Cas 9 system to constantly produce GLP-1 for the treatment of diabetes?.
  8. 16. ____ DNA is located in the middle of the CRISPR palindromic sequence.
  9. 18. CRISPR is an acronym for clustered regulary ______ short palindromic repeats.
  10. 19. The ___ system act as the immune system/self defenses in prokayotics.
  1. 1. HNH-like ______ domain could cleave DNA strand complementary to the guide RNA sequence.
  2. 3. In the treatment of thallasemia using CRISPR/Cas 9, the __ is also used to make cells pluripotent
  3. 4. After cutting the DNA using CRISPR/Cas 9, the ___ RNA will be inserted to the place that have been cutted.
  4. 5. One of cas 9 components which composed of three alpha helical domains: Hel-I, Hel-II and Hel-III.
  5. 8. For beta thallasemia patient, we can use the ___ cells as the patient-specific human ips for genome editing by using crisprcas9 system.
  6. 9. A repetitive DNA is sequences present in genetic elements of bacteria and archaea, separated by unique spacers of similar length is called _____.
  7. 11. Before CRISPR/Cas 9 developed, back then ZFN and ____ are developed for gene editing. However they could only edit the protein.
  8. 12. CRISPR/Cas-9 has been used in diabetes treatment to constantly produce the GLP-1 protein. GLP-1 protein could produce the ____ hormone and doing the inhibition of glucagon.
  9. 15. PAM-interacting sites is located at C-______ domain.
  10. 17. In genome editing after the DSB is generated, the high fidelity ___ + ssDNA will occur gene editing.