Criss Crossing through the North

  1. 4. was not fond of peril
  2. 6. (2) _________________is a tedious affair
  3. 7. an expansive ______________ is often associated with a formal education
  4. 8. (2) involves berries, ice and a mallet
  5. 9. (3) Major Puff’s sworn enemy
  6. 10. an early riser
  7. 12. Duane had great observation skills but his _________________needed work
  8. 13. excellent with all things sweet
  9. 14. a day of unexpected situations
  1. 1. the grandfather clock reminded Duane that there were _____________
  2. 2. porcelain, daisy and pearl were names for ______________
  3. 3. transport without a hole
  4. 4. means to chit-chat with others in a friendly way
  5. 5. had eyes in his stomach
  6. 11. (2) CC is very good at deciphering _______________________
  7. 15. when __________________, you pay attention to what is around you
  8. 16. ____________caused Duane to say no to crumpets