cross country

  1. 3. special light-weight shoes designed for racing rather than training
  2. 4. a sprint you do typically before your race to warm your body up
  3. 6. a speed you go at
  4. 10. a piece of paper pinned to the front of a runner with a printed number
  5. 12. a record someone achieves in a specific course
  6. 14. a continuous run that requires sustained effort
  7. 15. a sport that runs 5k for a race
  8. 18. a jog after a race or hard workout to get rid of any cramps or soreness
  9. 19. a place where the team meets up, rests, stretches and eats
  10. 20. if you can’t hold a conversation while doing one of these, you’re going too fast
  1. 1. a running routine that gets the mind and body ready for a workout or race
  2. 2. a piece of land that rises higher than everything surrounding it
  3. 5. large race hosted by one or more schools, top 10 earn medals
  4. 7. small object tied to runners shoes tracking their movements across the finish line
  5. 8. a best-ever performance
  6. 9. a cross country racing competition
  7. 11. a group of runners in close proximity
  8. 12. a jogging routine that allows the muscles to get rid of lactates and also allows the body and mind to gradually recover from a hard workload
  9. 13. the final push runners give at the end of a race
  10. 16. your times at mile markers or other pre-planned checkpoints along the way to the finish line
  11. 17. abbreviation for cross country