Cross Word of Ch.7-8

  1. 1. a large section of Earth’s oceanic or continental crust rigid upper mantle that moves around on the asthenosphere
  2. 3. fracture that occurs when the rock break and that results in relative movement of opposing sides: can form as a result of compression being pulled apart or shear.
  3. 5. plastic like layer of the Earth on which the lithosphere plates float and move around
  4. 6. powerful seismic wave that begins over an ocean floor earthquake, can reach 30m in height
  5. 8. a measure of the energy released by an earthquake
  6. 9. large ancient landmass that was composed of all the continents joined together.
  7. 12. Rigid layer of the Earth about 100 km thick made of the crust and part of the upper mantle.
  8. 15. current current in the Earth’s mantle that transfers heat in the earth’s interior and is driving plate tectonics
  9. 16. Wave earthquake waves including primary waves, secondary waves and surface waves
  10. 17. movement of the ground that occurs when rocks inside earth pass their elastics limit break suddenly and experiences elastic rebound
  11. 18. point deep inside Earth where energy is released causing an earthquake.
  1. 2. point on earth’s surface directly above an earthquake's focus
  2. 4. drift Wegener hypothesis that all continents were once connected in a single large mass that broke apart.
  3. 7. Boundaries boundary moves apart
  4. 10. Boundaries boundary that moves together
  5. 11. instrument used to record seismic waves
  6. 13. Boundaries boundary that slides past one another
  7. 14. tectonics theory that Earth’s crust and upper mantle are broken into plates that float and move around on a plastic like layer of the mantle.
  8. 16. spreading Hess’s theory that a new seafloor is formed when magma is forced upward toward the surface at the Mid-Ocean ridge