Cross Word
- 5. Fraction Fractions having numerators that are greater than or equal to their denominators are known as"
- 7. The product of two integers of different sign is always""Twin prime/Prime numbers differing by two are called"
- 8. To change Fraction to decimal divide the numerator by"
- 10. 7.5479 and 564. 9087 are two ____________ Decimals"
- 11. 1 is a _________ of every number"
- 12. Additive property shown by-(a + b)+ c=a +(b + c)"
- 13. 1 is known as the multiplication ___________ for integers"
- 1. 837 / 8000 is an example of __________Fraction"
- 2. subset A nonempty set which does not contain all the elements of super set"
- 3. If intersection of two sets is 0 then the two sets are"_________.
- 4. Two natural number which do not have a common prime factor are called"
- 5. Numbers which are represented by non-terminating non-repeating decimals"
- 6. The process of multiplying an irrational number by its rationalising Factor"
- 9. Diagram Diagram which represent the relation between the sets and various set operations"