Crossword #1

  1. 2. Our feathered friend on the state's coat of arms
  2. 3. The public sector is governed by this 1994 legislation (abbrv)
  3. 5. A potential threat to achieving objectives
  4. 6. The head of state
  5. 7. A guardian of public funds, her name echoes in a Neil Diamond classic
  6. 9. The 'B' in FAB
  7. 10. A Friday ritual, often involving liquid cheer
  8. 11. The state's complaints commissioner
  1. 1. Our furred friend on the state's coat of arms
  2. 4. A gathering of minds, also the state's lower house
  3. 8. Moral principles that govern behaviour
  4. 9. You might have used this to get to work