Crossword #11

  1. 2. Eugene Bleuler had coined it to describe the inward, self-absorbed aspects of schizophrenia in adults
  2. 5. Seizure syndrome characterized by frequent myoclonic and myoclonic-atonic seizures.
  3. 7. Natural hormone manages sleep wake cycle
  4. 11. Fear of Scent in Chaos, I am a Hobos Hop
  5. 12. dorsal midbrain syndrome
  6. 13. Rhythm of prose oddly adjusted in focal right hemisphere lesions
  7. 15. Wing Beating Tremor indicating cerebellar damage
  1. 1. Connection made when nervous, say pens scattered
  2. 3. face blindness
  3. 4. Abnormal sausage-shaped nerve swelling to make cut differently
  4. 6. transient electrical discharge with a pointed peak and a duration of less than 70 milliseconds
  5. 8. the oldest part of cerebral cortex responsible for spatial localization
  6. 9. Dizzy turn to go around, I hear
  7. 10. Messenger that runs into error, transmitting nerve signals
  8. 14. Drooling? Sailor heard a cure for excess saliva