Crossword 23 By:Aishwarya

  1. 1. She has visited lots of _________.
  2. 5. The slide is _______.
  3. 7. Did you eat a good _______ of dinner last night?
  4. 8. The baby had its first ______.
  5. 9. My cousin Kshipra and Vishnu ______ our family a box of donuts.
  6. 12. On the TV show the dog was very_______.
  7. 13. Some day I would like to have a _________ dollars.
  8. 14. I have never been on a_______.
  9. 16. They went to ______ India for the March break.
  1. 1. They _____ of a solution for the problem.
  2. 2. The ________ started chasing me.
  3. 3. The best soup I have ever tasted is _______ soup.
  4. 4. The karate teacher ________ us to play.
  5. 6. They ______ a solution to the problem.
  6. 9. Have you ever got a _______ of flowers for your birthday?
  7. 10. They had gotten in ______ with her Mom.
  8. 11. _______ I want a dog or hamsters my parents won’t allow me to have them.
  9. 15. How many _______ do you take to get dressed.