CrossWord 240704 / Wisdom / Proverbs 3 & James 3

  1. 2. Blessed are those who find ___ (6)
  2. 3. By wisdom the Lord laid the ___ foundations (5)
  3. 4. What should deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom show? (4)
  4. 8. What will the Lord do to your paths if you submit to him? (8)
  5. 9. What kind of envy and ambition lead to disorder and every evil practice? (6)
  6. 10. By his ___ the watery depths were divided (9)
  7. 11. She is a tree of ___ to those who take hold of her (4)
  8. 14. Bind them around your ___ (4)
  9. 15. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own ___ (13)
  10. 17. In all your ways ___ to him (6)
  11. 18. The Lord’s ___ is on the house of the wicked (5)
  12. 19. Have no fear of sudden ___ (8)
  13. 24. What do we do with the tongue to our Lord and Father? (6)
  14. 25. What can no human being tame, according to the passage? (6)
  15. 27. What is the result of peacemakers who sow in peace? (13)
  16. 29. The Lord disciplines those he ___ (5)
  1. 1. Let love and ___ never leave you (12)
  2. 2. Honor the Lord with your ___ (6)
  3. 5. What kind of wisdom is pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere? (6)
  4. 6. What should not come out of the same mouth along with praise? (7)
  5. 7. She is more precious than ___ (6)
  6. 12. Do not ___ anyone for no reason (6)
  7. 13. Do not be ___ in your own eyes (4)
  8. 16. Who will be judged more strictly? (8)
  9. 20. Write them on the ___ of your heart (6)
  10. 21. What is the tongue compared to that is used to steer a ship? (6)
  11. 22. For the Lord will be at your ___ (4)
  12. 23. What is the tongue full of that is restless and evil? (6)
  13. 26. Trust in the ___ with all your heart (4)
  14. 28. What kind of wisdom is earthly, unspiritual, and demonic? (7)