
  1. 2. Normally we have six of these during the school day (6)
  2. 7. The second word in IT (10)
  3. 10. Mixing with other people (11)
  4. 12. Type of public transport (3)
  5. 14. Long term job path (6)
  1. 1. Type of studying carried out after school (8)
  2. 3. Place that student and teachers attend on weekdays (6)
  3. 4. Send it in a text (7)
  4. 5. Invented by Graham Bell (5)
  5. 6. Has FM and AM bands (5)
  6. 8. Messages sent via a computer (5)
  7. 9. Phone that is not fixed (6)
  8. 11. PC or Mac (8)
  9. 13. Message via SMS (4)