
  1. 1. What men could do to look more attractive
  2. 3. The best baseball player of all time
  3. 7. The biggest scandal of the year
  4. 8. Type of hat to cover your head in the style of a bowl
  5. 10. The number of home runs Babe Ruth hit this season
  6. 12. The number of days in a school year
  7. 13. By giving your lady your coat you would be considered a _________.
  1. 1. All that Men wear
  2. 2. The Winter sport that requires a sled form 4 to 5 people
  3. 4. Where the first Winter Olympics will be held
  4. 5. The greatest fashionable hairstyle for women
  5. 6. The greatest age one could wish to become
  6. 9. The state with the secret lease to produce more oil companies
  7. 11. The material of dress to wear during the Winter