
  1. 3. The energy that you get from your diet is called
  2. 6. Brown dot symbolizes
  3. 8. It is the food that you eat and the liquid you drink
  4. 9. Carbohydrates break down into this type of sugar
  5. 11. A medical condition in which your body either does not produce enough insulin or is not able to use it efficiently
  6. 12. How many calories does water have?
  7. 13. Has a cancer causing chemical called nicotine
  1. 1. A slow poison present in soft drinks, energy drinks, fruit drinks etc
  2. 2. A protein found in blood that carries oxygen throughout your body
  3. 4. Too much storage of body fat
  4. 5. Iron deficiency
  5. 7. Removing the right nutrients from the food by mixing various things or making it impure is called food_________
  6. 10. Green dot symbolizes