CROSSWORD for Spelling List D9
- 4. The Lakota ___ has many traditions like dances and ceremonies.
- 7. Farming is another word for ___ : planting and harvesting things.
- 8. A cold compress brings ___ to the sprained ankle.
- 12. TT is no longer ___ years old.
- 14. The ___ of this school building is actually a trailer house.
- 15. Brianna fell of her horse and suffered a ___ in her right shoulder.
- 16. The students are on strike and ___ to have less spelling tests.
- 18. Here is my ___ for help; I am asking you nice!
- 19. Hailey was sad when Sabryna left; she is sad about the ___ of her friend.
- 1. Kyroh and Amare watched a creepy ___ crawl around in the basement.
- 2. Hancock wrote his huge ___ under the Declaration of Independence.
- 3. We have desks and tables, but not much more ___ in our class room.
- 5. Wow, the ___ from Black Elk Peak is beautiful - I can see my house from here!
- 6. The planning of new buildings is called ___ .
- 7. The process and order in which a computer solves problems is called ___ .
- 9. When the light ___ broke, all the lights went out.
- 10. If there is a high concentration of something in one place it is called ___ .
- 11. We need to ___ a class speaker; who should we choose?
- 13. What ___ is our teacher - is she alien or human??? :-)
- 17. Seanna would love to ___ and bring home a unicorn.
- 19. Let's ___ our different opinions about this topic.