Crossword for winter vacation

  1. 4. I am _______ spicy bars.
  2. 6. 没有___________就没有伤害
  3. 8. 你说你有点难追 想让我知难而退
  4. 9. Sometimes _______ can help you memorize new words.
  5. 11. An _______ Chinese student spends 8 hours in studying.
  6. 12. Science and _________ is the first productive force.
  7. 13. 生命诚可贵,爱情价更高,若为_________故,两者皆可抛。
  8. 16. That’s why everyone needs to understand what clothing is _________ for what situation.
  9. 18. 培根说过:“读史使人________,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻…”
  10. 19. 终于做了这个_____ 别人怎么说我不理 只要你也一样的肯定
  11. 21. 三观不合怎么做朋友?
  1. 1. There are __________ after-school activities in our school.
  2. 2. Congratulations! You have successfully __________ my attention.
  3. 3. The Spring Festival we are ________ is coming.
  4. 5. ___________is the mother of success.
  5. 7. A kimi ______ more Vitamin C than an orange.
  6. 10. The opening _____ of the 2008 Olympics leaves a deep impression on us.
  7. 14. 为何人们________于吃鸡无法自拔?
  8. 15. 你会当一个______杂货铺的老板娘 随着________卖着自己喜欢的东西
  9. 17. 体育锻炼是_____水痘的有效措施之一。
  10. 20. The Great Wall is considered to be the _________ of China.