Crossword Fraction

  1. 2. A number that has a factor of only the number and 1
  2. 4. 1,2, and 3. What are these
  3. 8. When the numerator and denominator is the same
  4. 12. Something Littler
  5. 13. Normal
  6. 14. A fraction with more parts than he whole
  7. 15. How many parts
  8. 16. The same
  9. 18. A whole number with a fraction
  10. 19. Opposite of multiplication
  1. 1. Not the same
  2. 3. Something larger
  3. 5. Opposite of addition
  4. 6. Opposite of division
  5. 7. A number that has more than 2 factors
  6. 9. Opposite of subtraction
  7. 10. A regular fraction
  8. 11. Not normal
  9. 17. The total number of parts
  10. 20. Making it smaller