- 5. Sr. Carita was very____ and her last name also
- 7. Camille Laughhunn's son is named
- 8. Camille's granddaughter is a precious jewel named
- 11. trot, Best costume contest on thanksgiving day is at
- 15. Reese's favorite insect
- 17. Ward family singers father is
- 1. Gip loves to do what
- 2. Deonna has a daughter named
- 3. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck wood
- 4. famous CNN anchor
- 6. Acie Wilson nickname
- 9. Patrice Wilborn lived on 48204 street
- 10. Central American country with money-limperas
- 12. Nickname pie face
- 13. DSR means__________ safe Reese
- 14. Linda Ali mother is
- 15. Dr. Seuss book 1 fish 2 fish red fish___ fish
- 16. Lady whose son worked on the roof