Crossword Fun Chapter 1,2,3

  1. 3. We use this for sleeping
  2. 5. There are many snacks and drinks.
  3. 6. After seven
  4. 9. Place to wash the hand
  5. 11. Place to read and borrow book
  6. 14. After eleven
  7. 15. We use this for cutting the paper
  8. 17. playing ball and having P.E class
  9. 19. Between twelve and fourteen is ...
  10. 20. Place to eat our breakfast
  11. 22. Place to boil the water
  12. 24. Place to learn or study
  13. 26. They are ...... hot chocolate
  14. 28. Raya is ......... TV in the livingroom
  1. 1. Antonym "dirty"
  2. 2. Empat puluh in english
  3. 4. Before eighteen
  4. 7. Place to fix or keep the car
  5. 8. Things in the kitchen
  6. 10. the bedroom is ...... there are clothes everywhere
  7. 12. Bantal in english
  8. 13. Diantara in English is ..
  9. 16. I do this in the bedroom
  10. 18. We use this tool for cooking
  11. 19. Someone who teaches the students at school
  12. 21. "Meminjam" in english is ....
  13. 23. After twenty nine
  14. 25. "Berenang" in english
  15. 27. a tool to write