Crossword Fun Chapter 1,2,3
- 3. We use this for sleeping
- 5. There are many snacks and drinks.
- 6. After seven
- 9. Place to wash the hand
- 11. Place to read and borrow book
- 14. After eleven
- 15. We use this for cutting the paper
- 17. playing ball and having P.E class
- 19. Between twelve and fourteen is ...
- 20. Place to eat our breakfast
- 22. Place to boil the water
- 24. Place to learn or study
- 26. They are ...... hot chocolate
- 28. Raya is ......... TV in the livingroom
- 1. Antonym "dirty"
- 2. Empat puluh in english
- 4. Before eighteen
- 7. Place to fix or keep the car
- 8. Things in the kitchen
- 10. the bedroom is ...... there are clothes everywhere
- 12. Bantal in english
- 13. Diantara in English is ..
- 16. I do this in the bedroom
- 18. We use this tool for cooking
- 19. Someone who teaches the students at school
- 21. "Meminjam" in english is ....
- 23. After twenty nine
- 25. "Berenang" in english
- 27. a tool to write