Crossword of India - Geraghty Vellante
- 4. Workers
- 7. One of the most fertile deltas in the world
- 10. Very large Festival
- 14. Buisness men, merchants, doctors
- 16. The ocean bordering India
- 18. Mountain range in India
- 19. Very peaceful religion, based on passive lifestyle
- 20. What Buddhists want to achieve
- 22. Large plane across India
- 24. Country bordering India
- 1. Old economic way of India
- 2. Country bordering India
- 3. Lowest Caste member
- 5. Duty in the Hinduism religion
- 6. Highest caste (priests and teachers)
- 8. The capital city
- 9. Rulers and landowners
- 11. The sea bordering India
- 12. Sacred river to Hinduism
- 13. Large plateau in India
- 15. Indias government system
- 17. Country bordering India
- 21. Country bordering India
- 23. Combonation of Islam and Hinduism