CROSSWORD - Parts of Speech Class VII

  1. 6. ____ article refers to the specific or particular noun
  2. 7. ____ introduces a noun in a sentence in a general or specific reference
  3. 9. Verb in its basic form combined with 'to'
  4. 10. ____ articles refer to a general or non-specific noun
  5. 12. The noun which is replaced by a pronoun
  6. 15. Nouns which can be seen and touched
  7. 17. A verb form which performs the function of an adjective and describes a noun
  8. 18. ____ infinitve is used without 'to'
  9. 19. Words used to describe a noun
  1. 1. ____ refers to the noun already pointed out
  2. 2. Comparison of three or more nouns
  3. 3. A group or collection of similar nouns
  4. 4. ____ article rule omits the use of articles
  5. 5. Pronouns that receive the action of the verb when subjects and objects of the sentences are same
  6. 8. Article ____ is used before superlative degree
  7. 11. It is a word that is used in the place of a noun
  8. 12. Type of noun that describes a feeling or an idea
  9. 13. ____ adjectives are used to show very strong feelings
  10. 14. Verb not limited to number or tense
  11. 16. The pronouns that links different parts of a sentence