Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. a study that manifest an individual’s frustrations and disappointments over his inability to reach a set goal, in spite of hard works, that eventually pushes a person to a life of crime.
  2. 7. refers to those studies that views crime as one resulting from cultural values that permit, or even demand behaviors that will violate the law.
  3. 8. it is the unlawful burning of property of another person.
  4. 9. The Latin term mens rea refers to a criminal intent or guilty state of mind.
  5. 10. a European defense attorney, created his own classification of victim types.
  6. 13. one who is emotionally disturbed by virtue of heartaches and pains
  7. 15. separates the good from the bad, the conventional form from the deviant. The point of study in labeling theory focused on the social interactions by which an individual becomes a deviant.
  8. 16. is a statement that we have no crime if we had no criminal law, and that we could eliminate all crime by abolishing all criminal laws.
  9. 18. crimes are crimes of economic itself.
  10. 21. it is dominated by pleasure principle, through which the individual is pressed for immediate gratification of his or her desires.
  11. 22. An act in violation of our legal norms which is defined in terms of our criminal law.
  12. 23. unlawful entry or forcible entry in order to commit a felony or theft.
  13. 24. one who bribes, buys, intimidates, threatens, negotiates, and “sweet talks” into a relationship with the police. Public officials, or any else who might help the members in security and maintain immunity from arrest, prosecution and punishment.
  14. 27. it is the taking of property belonging to another with intent to gain by means of force upon things.
  15. 29. the term designates the element of the mind that, in normal personalities, automatically modifies and inhibits those instinctual impulses or drives of the id that tend to produce antisocial actions and thoughts.
  16. 30. is the study about victims of crime. It is a branch of criminology that deals purely on the underlying factors of victimization and the contributory role of the victims in the commission of crimes.
  1. 1. law is that branch or division of law, which defines crimes, treats of their nature, and provides for their punishment.
  2. 3. person who eventually becomes a victim by virtue of wanting companionship or affection
  3. 4. a public official, usually not a member of the organization family, who can wield influence on behalf of the organization interest.
  4. 5. refers to occupations or their incumbents which possesses various traits including useful knowledge that requires lengthy training, service orientation and code of ethics that permits occupations to attempt to obtain autonomy and independence with high prestige and remuneration.
  5. 6. is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done wrong.
  6. 11. He is the best-known associate of Lombroso, also an Italian accomplished lawyer and scholar who published his first major book at 21 and became a university professor at the age of 25.
  7. 12. the incapable of physical defense and the common object of confidence scheme.
  8. 14. the central part of the personality structure that deals with reality and is influenced by social forces.
  9. 17. An Italian doctor, integrated Comte’s positivism, and Darwin’s evolution theory and other original works and studies of the relation of crime to the human body.
  10. 19. is the founder of psychoanalysis, suggested that an individual’s psychological well – being is dependent on healthy interaction among the id, ego and superego.
  11. 20. dealers of stolen properties, the act of “buy and sale of stolen properties.
  12. 25. one who make arrangements for killings and injuring the members or non – members.
  13. 26. simple taking of properties with intent to gain and without consent of the owner.
  14. 28. this refers to the casual relationship between the legally forbidden harm and the actus reus. In other words, the criminal act must lead directly to the harm without a long delay.