Crossword Puzzle-2 -"Long Walk to Freedom" By Ajay Kumar (SRG English, Hapur)

  1. 2. Adorn with decorations(सजाना धजाना)
  2. 7. Deep, intense (गहरा)
  3. 9. Not planned, accidental (अनजाने में)
  4. 12. Chose by vote (चुनना )
  5. 14. Faint light, shine (हलकी ज्योति, चमक)
  6. 15. Savage violence, cruelty (निर्दयता)
  7. 17. Beyond belief or understanding(अकल्पनीय)
  8. 18. Periods of ten years(दशक)
  1. 1. Biased opinion (पूर्वाग्रह)
  2. 3. Block, hinder (रोकना अडंगा लगाना)
  3. 4. Acts of giving up something valued(त्याग, बलिदान)
  4. 5. Pain, distress (पीड़ा,दु:ख)
  5. 6. Bravery, valor (साहस)
  6. 8. Kindness, big-heartedness
  7. 10. Remarkable, amazing (असाधारण)
  8. 11. Duties, responsibilities (कर्तव्य, जिम्मेदारी)
  9. 13. Ability to recover, toughness (लचीलापन, सहिष्णुता)
  10. 16. Dim light, semi-darkness (संध्याकालीन प्रकाश,तारों की छाँव )