Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. This is a big fish with lots of sharp teeth.
  2. 6. You can use this to talk to someone who is far away.
  3. 8. This is a sport where you kick a ball with your feet.
  4. 9. Seoul is the capital (首都)of this country.
  5. 10. You have CLASS in this ROOM.
  6. 11. This is something WHITE that teachers write on with markers.
  7. 13. This is a sport where you hit a ball with a bat.
  1. 1. Every week you have a ________ test where the teacher says words and you have to write them down.
  2. 2. The pyramids (金字塔) are in this country.
  3. 3. A king's daughter.
  4. 5. You eat this meal (餐) in the middle of the day (usually at school).
  5. 7. A king's son
  6. 8. It is very hot during this season (季節) and you don't go to school.
  7. 11. This is a big animal that lives in the ocean.
  8. 12. This animal can fly.