- 2. energy medicine where long thin needles are inserted to specific parts of the body to affect the energy flow. (Acupuncture)
- 3. stones. (Sambong)
- 5. against the marketing of goods. (Safety)
- 6. or individual that has little or no professional qualifications to practice medicine. (Quack)
- 8. healthcare provider who is licensed to practice on a specific area of the body. (Healthcare Practitioners)
- 10. products at competitive prices with an assurance of satisfactory quality. (Choose)
- 13. or institution that offer healthcare services. (Healthcare Facilities)
- 14. closely with the department of health. (PITAHC)
- 15. offered caters to a specific population with various health needs. (Health Center)
- 16. diseases as a manifestations of an alternation in the processes by which the body naturally heals itself. (Naturopathy)
- 17. on treating specific disorders through massaging of the soles of the feet. (Reflexology)
- 19. dependent diabetic patients. (Ampalaya)
- 1. and gout. (Pansit-pansitan)
- 4. be compensated for misrepresentation, shoddy goods or unsatisfactory services. (Redress)
- 5. ability to evaluate and utilize the health information.(Consumer Health)
- 7. that we consume and use that improve our well being.(Health Products)
- 9. who provides people with healthcare.(Healthcare Providers)
- 11. magnetic fields or biofields in belief that energy field may enter various points in the body. (Energy Medicine)
- 12. not use needles but hands to apply pressure on certain points of the body. (Acupressure)
- 18. services that are not paid by the issuer. (Exclusion)