Crossword Puzzle
- 3. Acts as a decalcifying acid and tissue softener
- 5. Routine clearing agent with rapid clearing time of 30 mins – hours
- 6. Recommended for fixation of embryos and pituitary biopsies
- 7. Autopsy technique which involves "en block"
- 9. A necrosis where the affected organ appears "soft and greasy"
- 14. Complete non-appearance of an organ, absence of organ
- 16. Often used as a criterion for malignancy
- 17. Paraffin wax infiltration that can be used in infiltrating eye specimens
- 21. Made up of acrylic or methacrylic acid
- 22. Method of celloidin which infiltrates bone, brains, teeth and whole organs
- 27. It is a paraffin wax infiltration under negative atmospheric pressure inside the oven
- 28. It evaporates easily and highly flammable
- 29. Recommended for Mayling's specimen and for colored tissue photography
- 33. Due to the transfer of internal heat to the surface or site of injury
- 35. With anhydrous sodium acetate; for preserving bone marrow
- 37. It happens when the cell DNA and proteins are damaged beyond repair
- 39. A cytological method in which cells are dislodged by various tools from body surfaces
- 42. A clearing agent for eyes with a faint odor and low evaporation rate
- 43. An embedding where we infiltrate using celloidin then embedding using paraffin wax
- 44. Optimal temperature for decalcification
- 45. Known to be the smallest aldehyde fixative
- 48. Purplish discoloration of the skin due to sinking of fluid blood into capillaries of the independent part of the body
- 50. The most important requirement before doing the autopsy
- 52. Placing infiltrated tissue in a mold containing the embedding medium
- 55. It contains potassium dichromate and 40% formaldehyde
- 57. Carried out using paraffin wax infiltration and need to have an oven
- 58. Dissolves paraffin
- 59. Not a routine clearing agent and toxic to the liver
- 1. To remove clearing agent from tissues and fill up cavities and tissue space
- 2. Developed at National Cancer Institute in December 1988
- 4. Similar to paraplast with a melting point of 56-58°C
- 6. Prolonged exposure of this clearing agent can damage the bone marrow
- 8. One of the most important processes in which the pathologist arrives at a diagnosis
- 10. Recommended for enzyme histochemistry and EM
- 11. Study of all changes that underlie a disease
- 12. Excellent for glycogen demonstration
- 13. Alteration of tissues by stabilizing protein so that tissues become resistant
- 15. A pattern of cell death that is accidental and unregulated
- 18. Used for acid mucopolysaccharide
- 19. It can be used as ethanol substitute and used in microwave technique
- 20. Mechanism of action which when used combines with the tissue
- 23. A method that is carried out by adding calcium carbonate
- 24. A purified form of nitrocellulose and also called as Celloidon Infiltration Method
- 25. Also known as ethylene glycol monoethyl ether
- 26. Can be used to preserve nuclear proteins and mucopolysaccharide
- 30. Rapidly denatures and precipitates proteins
- 31. Routine dehydrating agent that is fast-acting and non-toxic
- 32. Best decalcifying agent in EM and immunohistochemistry
- 34. A modern method of identification
- 36. The starting point in every disease
- 38. Regarded as the most rapid fixative
- 40. Slow and partly because the epoxy plastic itself is a large molecule
- 41. For Rickettsia and other bacteria
- 46. Its purpose is to detect malignancies and cancerous conditions
- 47. Removal of water from tissues after fixation and prior to wax impregnation
- 49. Method of celloidin which infiltrates eye specimen
- 51. Cutting off excess paraffin wax to form a four-sided prism
- 53. Recommended for plant and animal microtechniques
- 54. Performed to determine the events leading to the death of the patients
- 56. Consist of 2 L- shaped strips of heavy brass or metal