Crossword Puzzle Activity 19.3

  1. 3. Country that previously controlled Ghana, Kenya, Botswana, Uganda
  2. 7. Values many African countries had that conflicted with foreign ideas
  3. 8. Continent colonized by many Western/European powers
  4. 10. French colony granted independence after guerrilla war in 1962
  5. 13. South African party formed against white rule
  6. 15. Large group of people whose roles changed in African countries after gaining independence
  7. 16. An exported good Nigeria depended on
  8. 17. An overthrowal of the government
  9. 19. Nigerian author who wrote of conflict between Western and traditional values
  10. 24. Country that previously controlled Morocco and Tunisia
  11. 26. Countries that didn’t take a particular side during the Cold War
  12. 27. Worldwide epidemic that hit Africa the hardest
  13. 29. Ghanan leader who helped gain independence from Great Britain
  14. 30. Where 60% of the African population lives today
  1. 1. An exported good Liberia relied on
  2. 2. Colony surrendered by Portugal in 1975
  3. 4. Country with an unstable government due to Tutsi and Hutu fighting
  4. 5. Racial segregation laws in South Africa
  5. 6. First black president of South Africa
  6. 9. Goods African countries depended on from the West
  7. 11. First British colony to gain independence
  8. 12. French colony granted full independence in 1956
  9. 14. Misuse of power common in many independent African countries
  10. 18. Cold War conflicts many African countries were drawn into
  11. 20. Areas in Africa controlled by foreign powers
  12. 21. Form of government used in Africa based on traditions
  13. 22. Unity of all black Africans
  14. 23. Conflicts created by the contrasting ways of life for different African people
  15. 25. Brutal dictator overthrown in Uganda
  16. 28. African group that supported anti-colonialism