Crossword Puzzle Ch 20 Vocab!

  1. 2. of Brest-Litovsk-treaty between Russia and Germany after the Russian Revolution; pulled Russia out of World War I,
  2. 5. slender airships similar to modern blimps,
  3. 6. Peace Conference-conference that negotiated the peace settlement for World War I,
  4. 7. German submarine,
  5. 11. of Nations-post-World War I international organization that sought to guarantee international cooperation and to achieve international peace and security,
  6. 12. Points-Woodrow Wilson’s proposed peace plan after World War I,
  7. 13. Naval Conference-the 1920s conference that established ratios to limit the number of warships that each maritime nation could build,
  8. 14. of Versailles-treaty between Germany and the Allied Powers of World War I; included the war guilt clause, which demanded that Germany pay reparations,
  9. 16. of St. Germain-treaty between Austria and the Allied Powers of World War I,
  10. 19. Treaty-Bismarck’s alliance with Russia,
  11. 20. Pact-1925 treaty in which Germany agreed to recognize its post-World War I boundaries with France and Belgium as permanent and to not seek to change its eastern border through war,
  1. 1. of weapons or arms,
  2. 3. unification between Austria and Germany; forbidden by the Treaty of Versailles but later accomplished by Hitler,
  3. 4. System-German system of alliances created by Bismark to prevent French attack and to maintain the balance of power,
  4. 8. Pact-document that outlawed war, but failed to stop it; crowning effort to preserve peace in the post-World War I period,
  5. 9. guilt clause-clause in the Treaty of Versailles that placed the blame for World War I on Germany,
  6. 10. Alliance-the alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary; the foundation of pre-World War I German foreign policy,
  7. 15. Entente-pre-World War I agreement between Britain, France, and Russia,
  8. 17. Powers-Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire during World War I,
  9. 18. Alliance-anti-French coalition of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy,