Crossword puzzle in Social Science

  1. 2. _________Culture, Cultural patterns that distinguish asociety’s elite.
  2. 7. refers to system of symbols thatallows people to communicate with oneanother.
  3. 10. a farming introduced in horticultural society
  4. 12. refers to anything that carries a particular meaning recognized by people who share culture.
  5. 16. A culture that refers to the tangible things created bythe members of a society.
  6. 18. patterns that set apart somesegment of a society’s population
  7. 19. a sociological perspective that look into the functions of its elements and how they function
  8. 23. a society thatmake use of hand tools to cultivate crops
  9. 24. rules and expectations by which a society guides the behavior of its members
  10. 25. Act of adapting behavior to the norms of a culture
  11. 27. a term used to describe people who roam from place to place frequently
  12. 28. The practice of judging another culture by the standards of one’s own culture.
  13. 32. Other term for Base camps
  14. 34. characterized by more sophisticated technologies and machineries and industries
  15. 37. the development of an increasingly integrated global economy. The act or process of operating throughout the world
  16. 42. in this society, domestication of animals occurred
  17. 44. It is the simplest kind of society among all kinds of society. The use of simple tools to hunt animals and gather vegetation is the feature of this society
  18. 47. a theory that states that society is created by solely by men because of their inherent/innate skills and abilities to organize people.
  19. 48. specific statements that peoplehold to be true.
  20. 49. The preference for the products, styles, or ideas of someone else’s culture rather than of one’s own.
  21. 52. a type of society wherein farming implements where introduced
  22. 54. a situation in society in which people work together
  23. 55. a theory that states that society is created by men and women who have the inner strength to form associations of individuals
  24. 57. a norm that is determined by beliefs about the extent to which important others want them to perform a behavior.
  25. 59. a norm that refers to people's perceptions of what is commonly done in specific situations
  26. 60. the belief that some races of people are better than others
  1. 1. a theory that states that society is created by God
  2. 3. norms for routine and casual interaction
  3. 4. a type of farming wherein the food gathered is enough for their daily needs
  4. 5. Social __________, a theory that states that society is created by precedent societies.
  5. 6. Cultural _________, the practice ofevaluating a culture by its ownstandards
  6. 8. A set of unique characteristics that makes an individual different from others
  7. 9. _______Culture, Cultural patterns that are widespreadamong a society’s population.
  8. 11. The whole system or set of rules made by the government of a town, state, country, etc.
  9. 13. It exists among those who resemble one another in body and mind to some extent
  10. 14. Are defined as culturally defined standards of desirability, goodness and beauty, which serve as a broad guidelines for social living
  11. 15. The process of adapting to new culture
  12. 17. is the values, beliefs, behavior, and material objects that, together, form a people’s way of life.
  13. 20. a sociological perspective that look into how the people communicate
  14. 21. norms what we should not do (norm)
  15. 22. a sociological perspective that looks into issues/social problems set the society
  16. 26. a type of society wherein machineries and industries started to emerge
  17. 29. It forms the core of all culture. When people share a language, they share a condensed, very flexible set of symbols or meanings.
  18. 30. norms that are widely observed and have great moral significance.
  19. 31. a norm refers to people's perceptions of what is commonly approved or disapproved of within a particular culture
  20. 33. Cultural ______, the fact that some cultural elementschange more quickly than others,which may disrupt a cultural system.
  21. 35. Cultural ________, a condition of disorientation affecting someone who is suddenly exposed to an unfamiliar culture or way of life or set of attitudes
  22. 36. a theory that states that society is created by women because of their innate skill/ability to foster and maintain unity
  23. 38. Union of two society
  24. 39. the intangible world of ideas created by members of a society, ideas may range from altruism to zen.
  25. 40. occurs when an ethnic minority sacrifices its own culture to integrate into society
  26. 41. a type of farming wherein the food gathered is more than the amount they need.
  27. 43. is a large grouping that shares the same geographical territory, shares a common culture and social structure, and expected to abide by the some laws.
  28. 45. are mental representations (concepts, categories, metaphors) used to organize stimulus; they are the basic units out of which knowledge is constructed and a word emerges
  29. 46. norms what we should do (norm)
  30. 50. Social _________, a theory that states that society is created for mutual protection and benefit
  31. 51. a system of government or business that has many complicated rules and ways of doing things
  32. 53. Changeability is an inherent quality of human beings. No society can even remain constant for any length of time
  33. 56. An action or way of behaving that is usual and traditional among the people in a particular group or place
  34. 58. a system of exchange introduced in horticultural society