Crossword Puzzle Late Imperial China (Weeks 1-7)

  1. 2. A plant; first the Mongols encouraged cultivation of it; then the Ming produced it in such a systematic way that some scholars speak of an early form of capitalism
  2. 5. Family name of the man who led the first British mission to Qing China in 1793 and may or may not have kowtowed before the Chinese emperor
  3. 6. Five East India Companies were founded in the 17th century by the British, the Portuguese, the French, the Danish, and the…
  4. 7. Guiding political philosophy in imperial China
  5. 10. First word of a famous Ming novel (first print 1592) about the Tang era monk Xuanzang and his companion Sun Wukong, the Monkey King
  6. 12. Manchu emperor and Chinese poet with the greatest output (quantitatively)
  7. 13. There was a specific kind of Buddhism at the court of the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. Which country did it come from?
  8. 15. The Ayutthaya Kingdom (1351-1767) ruled approximately the area that is the modern nation of…
  9. 16. The Majapahit Empire (1293 - circa 1500) ruled various islands that form the modern nation of…
  10. 17. Very tall animal from Africa that Zheng He’s ships brought to China
  11. 19. Mao Zedong (1893-1976) and the first Ming emperor, Hongwu (1328-1398), both came from a family of…
  12. 20. Capital of the middle and late Ming dynasty
  13. 22. In 1592-1598, the Ming assisted … against Japanese invasions.
  14. 23. Manchu dynasty in China, 1644-1912
  15. 24. The Wanli emperor (reigned 1572-1620) liked to smoke it
  1. 1. Mongol dynasty in China, 1271-1368
  2. 2. City-state on the west Indian coast that was one of the most important ports for Zheng He
  3. 3. The Qing produced a famous multilingual glossary in Chinese, Manchu, Uyghur, Tibetan, and…
  4. 4. Family name of the ruling Ming family
  5. 6. First word of a famous Qing novel of 1791 which is regarded a masterpiece of Chinese and world literature
  6. 7. Widespread European fascination with things Chinese in the 17-18th centuries
  7. 8. If Manchus, Mongols, etc., adopt Chinese customs and language, the process is called…
  8. 9. City on the west Indian coast that was captured by the Portuguese in 1510
  9. 11. Capital of the early Ming dynasty
  10. 14. Family name of the scholar who wrote ‘The Social Life of Opium in China’ (2005)
  11. 15. Chinese product that became a hit in 18th-century Britain
  12. 18. Name of the most famous Italian Jesuit who lived in late Ming China and had impressive Chinese language skills
  13. 21. Admiral Zheng He was born 1371 in Yunnan and the religion of his father had been…