Crossword Puzzle on Chapter 10

  1. 3. / beginning of menstrual cycle
  2. 5. / Endocrine gland attached to the brain
  3. 6. / Gland that secretes oil under the skin
  4. 8. / Period of life when body undergoes reproductive maturity
  5. 10. / used in the treatment of diabetes
  6. 12. / secretes thyroxine
  7. 14. / several thread like bodies,consisting of chromatin,
  8. 15. / Age between 11 to 19 years
  9. 16. / produced in the testes
  10. 17. / a disease of the immune system
  11. 18. / Hormone secreted by a gland capped on kidneys
  1. 1. / practice conducive to the preservation of health, as cleanliness.
  2. 2. / chemical that controls changes during adolescence
  3. 4. / ductless gland
  4. 5. /the state of containing the unborn within the body
  5. 7. / a person who has attained the age of maturity as specified by law
  6. 9. / female hormone responsible for growth in teen girls
  7. 11. / A balanced diet
  8. 13. / end of reproductive phase
  9. 19. / protruding part of the throat in boys