Crossword puzzle - review

  1. 4. Write number 64 in English.
  2. 5. The room that we cook in.
  3. 6. Something green that grows.
  4. 10. Write number 55 in English.
  5. 11. Something that we keep our clothes in.
  6. 12. A piece of decoration. It can be painted or drawn.
  7. 14. Something that we watch when we're bored.
  8. 15. Something that we put garbage in.
  9. 16. Something that reflects light. We can see ourselves in it.
  10. 19. The room that we sleep in.
  11. 20. Something that we need to call someone.
  1. 1. Something that we need to cook.
  2. 2. Something that we keep our food in to stay fresh.
  3. 3. A piece of furniture that we store books on.
  4. 7. Something we sit on.
  5. 8. Write number 99 in English.
  6. 9. Write number 42 in English.
  7. 13. Write number 31 in English.
  8. 17. Something that we use to listen to music.
  9. 18. Something that gives us light so we can see in the dark.