crossword puzzle

  1. 5. secret
  2. 7. to change
  3. 9. rocks
  4. 10. to provoke
  5. 12. no longer useful
  6. 14. delayed
  7. 16. worthy of praise
  8. 17. one who opposes
  9. 18. practical
  10. 21. respect, honor
  1. 1. excessive prejudice
  2. 2. stir up action
  3. 3. immature
  4. 4. sly sneaky
  5. 6. many, a lot of
  6. 8. to reduce
  7. 11. unstoppable
  8. 13. to complete
  9. 15. farming
  10. 19. to correct
  11. 20. evenhanded