Crossword Puzzle

  1. 5. A balance of power is a state of stability between competing forces.
  2. 6. The division of powers among the different branches of the government; in the United States, among the legislative, executive and judicial branches.
  3. 8. The Constitution of the 13 original American states, adopted in 1781 and replaced by the U.S Constitution.
  4. 9. An imaginary situation of people living in a society without government and laws.
  5. 10. The rights to life, liberty and property which all people have because they are human beings.
  6. 11. The organization through which political authority is exercised in a society.
  1. 1. A set of customs, traditions, rules, and laws that describe the way a government is organized and operated.
  2. 2. The agreement among all the people in society to give up apart of their freedom to a government in return for the protection of their natural rights.
  3. 3. The meeting held in Philadelphia in 1787 at which the U.S Constitution was writen.
  4. 4. An uprising by Massachusetts farmers in 1786 that convinced many people in the Articles of Confederation needed to be changed.
  5. 7. A person chosen to act for or represent others, as at a conventions.