Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. Nutrition and safety are considered as the __________ characteristics of the food product by food technologists
  2. 4. Distinctive signs of Champagne and Basmati get covered in intellectual property rights because of this indicator
  3. 5. This crop is widely cultivated in India using genetically modified technology
  4. 7. Appraisal cost in food manufacturing is considered as _________ cost
  5. 8. Global Pulse Confederation (GPC) has designated pulses as the __________of food
  6. 9. Fish-bone diagram of the food production flow chart is also known as ___________ diagram
  7. 11. A WTO agreement that specifically covers food contamination issues
  8. 12. An important economic concept that describes wedge between private benefit and social benefit and justifies schemes such as Mid Day Meals
  9. 13. The difference between traditional hybrids, newer varieties, and GM crops is that reproductive crossing can happen across ____________ in GM crops
  10. 16. Firm that developed food safety system for the astronauts heading towards moon
  11. 18. Organoleptic characteristics of food products that can be judged by actions such as seeing, touching, smelling, and tasting are also called as _________ characteristics
  12. 19. Acronym for a stage in the food production process beyond which a particular hazard cannot be reduced to a manageable level
  13. 23. If food consumption of children decreases as income/endowment of poor and uneducated head-of-the-household increases, then food for children is described as __________ good
  14. 24. This principle elucidates that eighty per cent of the food quality problems are caused by twenty per cent of causes
  15. 25. Coca Cola is not protected by this kind of intellectual property right
  16. 26. Something that may increase the preventive cost but reduce failure cost in food manufacturing
  17. 27. If the observations of the x-bar chart show a particular pattern even within the 3-sigma limits, then there must be some ___________ cause(s) due to which the food production process will not be in control
  1. 1. If the 3-sigma limits on either side of the mean value of a food attribute for a product process exactly match the upper and lower specifications then the process is described as just _________.
  2. 2. Britannia Little Hearts is an example of registration of industrial IPR under this category
  3. 3. This is an important objective of Codex Alimentarious Commission for food standards across the globe
  4. 6. A food product whose quality cannot be fully understood even after consumption of the product
  5. 10. Presence of quality problems in domestic food products leads to such kind of trade opportunities when international food prices move up and down
  6. 14. Pulses are important for sustainable growth of agriculture. They fix _________ in the soil and reduce carbon footprint created by production of fertilizers
  7. 15. Patent granted to USDA and W.R. Grace Company on the process to extract oil from the seeds of this plant was successfully challenged by Indian scientists
  8. 17. The kind of economies one enjoys in implementation of quality management systems in food production across various sizes of food companies
  9. 20. If a food production process is in control, one expects that 99.73 per cent of the observations will lie ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬within ___________ standard deviations on either side of the mean value
  10. 21. Analysis that discovers the shadow prices of quality attributes from the price of the product
  11. 22. The lopsided promotion of wheat and rice over the decades has resulted in pulses being called the __________ food