Crossword - Riddles
- 2. What has a head and a tail but no body?
- 4. What can't be used until it's broken?
- 5. What has many keys but is not used for opening doors?
- 7. What has two hands and a face, but no arms and legs?
- 9. I am full of holes, I can hold water. What am I?
- 10. What gets wet when drying?
- 11. I can speak all the languages of the world. What am I?
- 1. What is that you will break even when you name it?
- 3. What has 4 legs and only 1 foot?
- 6. What has a neck, but no head?
- 8. What has teeth but can't bite?
- 12. What is it the more you take away the larger it becomes?