CrossWord Worksheet

  1. 4. sutdy of a side subject
  2. 5. Degree Highest academic degree
  3. 7. a person who completed there courses
  4. 9. Reference to any education beyond high school
  5. 12. Hour a measure of education
  6. 13. a document
  7. 15. Assessment Test
  8. 16. Degree earned for undergraduate coruses
  9. 17. Aid to help students pay for college
  10. 19. Four test to prove u have a high school diploma
  11. 20. College provideing a range of pracical subjects
  12. 22. Degree a award given to college graduates
  13. 23. rate of Return money back
  1. 1. school is funded by the goverment
  2. 2. a student still at college or unviersity who yet earned there bacherlor's
  3. 3. College a college open to the public
  4. 4. Degree a high level of completion of there specific field of study
  5. 6. being an apprentice
  6. 8. specialize ina specific subject
  7. 10. Placement in high school working to get credits
  8. 11. Prep Nationwide careeer devolepment system
  9. 14. Record of students work and course's taken
  10. 17. college students are able to get finacial help
  11. 18. an organization ofically regonzied
  12. 21. school is funded by the people in the commnity