
  1. 2. One of the main landmasses of the earth, such as Africa
  2. 5. A treeless area with frozen ground and low-growing grasses
  3. 6. Base goods from which things are made
  4. 9. A large group of islands
  5. 10. Parts of the earth near the equator
  6. 12. A territory governed as a part of a larger country or empire
  7. 14. A person sent to do religious teaching or charitable work in a new land
  8. 15. A large farm where crops are raised, often by slaves
  1. 1. A piece of land that sticks out from a larger landmass and is mostly surrounded by water
  2. 2. A conqueror, mainly from 16th-century Spain
  3. 3. A narrow strip of land connecting two larger masses of land
  4. 4. The process in which plates below Earth’s surface shift, causing earthquakes
  5. 7. A factory in Mexico where parts are shipped in and the finished product shipped out
  6. 8. A group of people who settle in a distant land but are ruled by their original country
  7. 11. A small, low island made largely of coral or sand
  8. 13. A huge mass of slow-moving ice over a landmass