Crossworld : Divergent

  1. 2. What is Tris and Fours realtionship?
  2. 4. What faction did Tris brother go too?
  3. 7. What was Tris last faction?
  4. 8. How old do you have to be to take the faction test?
  5. 10. What faction represnts kindness
  6. 11. Who is Fours father?
  7. 13. What faction is law based
  8. 14. What city is the book based in?
  1. 1. What secrect did tris mom keep?
  2. 3. Pris Who is Tris Father?
  3. 5. Who was the leader of dautless training.
  4. 6. What faction repersents bravery
  5. 7. What section dose Tris family live?
  6. 9. What is fours real name
  7. 12. What was four orginal faction?