Crowder School

  1. 2. history buff
  2. 4. school mascot
  3. 6. farmer
  4. 7. music major
  5. 9. female coach
  6. 10. scientist
  7. 14. junior high scientist
  8. 15. junior high math wizard
  9. 17. class graduating
  10. 18. reading specialist
  11. 21. spring sport
  12. 23. winter sport
  13. 24. basketball coach
  14. 26. computer nerd
  1. 1. high school phone answerer
  2. 3. baseballer
  3. 5. favorite lunch
  4. 7. junior high English major
  5. 8. catching things
  6. 11. campus counselor
  7. 12. English wizard
  8. 13. hitting the course
  9. 16. girl spring sport
  10. 19. Math Prodigy
  11. 20. special person
  12. 22. town route driver
  13. 25. one of the school colors