Crown May, 2013 Crossword - Sat 3:15pm class

  1. 1. Something from the past / Former Eg: My ________ apartment was smaller
  2. 4. Matches
  3. 5. A person who you do not know
  4. 8. A time when the cherry blossoms bloom
  5. 9. A shop that is open 24 hours a day.
  6. 13. Very happy
  7. 15. A ceremony where a man and a woman exchange rings
  8. 17. The opposite of friendly
  9. 19. A place where you can borrow books
  1. 2. Not feeling well
  2. 3. Not cheap
  3. 6. Handsome / Beautiful
  4. 7. Handy
  5. 9. Present Eg: My _______ boss is very easygoing
  6. 10. Opposite of quiet
  7. 11. Not interesting
  8. 12. Makes you uncomfortable and frustrated. Eg: It's ________ when people use their cell phones on the train
  9. 14. A feeling that makes your heart race
  10. 16. A professional who fixes teeth
  11. 18. Something that women put on their face