CS: The Endocrine System

  1. 2. thirst
  2. 6. anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
  3. 7. advanced hypothyroidism in adults characterized by sluggishness
  4. 8. measurement of blood sugar level after a meal
  5. 9. pituitary gland
  6. 12. vasopressin
  7. 14. an abnormal amount of ketone
  8. 15. disease characterized by enlarged features
  9. 16. excessive urination
  10. 19. treatment with a hormone to correct a hormonal deficiency
  11. 21. excessive hair growth over the body
  12. 22. hormone that affects skin pigmentation
  13. 23. hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla that affect sns
  14. 24. enlargement of the thyroid gland
  15. 25. regulates metabolism
  16. 26. male
  1. 1. abnormally low level of glucose in the blood
  2. 2. diabetes mellitus
  3. 3. therapy, use of radioactive iodine to treat disease
  4. 4. abnormally increased secretion
  5. 5. posterior lobe of the pituitary gland
  6. 10. hormone that regulates uterine conditions during pregnancy
  7. 11. postprandial blood sugar
  8. 13. excessive thirst
  9. 17. released by the PT pituitary gland, absorption of water by kidney tubules
  10. 18. hormone that constricts blood vessels/ neurotransmitter
  11. 20. glands, located on the superior of each kidney
  12. 24. glucose tolerance test